WELCOME to the Contact Allergen Management Program (CAMP)
Codes received prior to Nov. 17, 2013 must be updated. Please request new codes from your physician.
The CAMP system is provided as a service to the American Contact Dermatitis Society (ACDS) members.
The system is designed to help patients with allergic contact dermatitis find personal care products that are free of the ingredients that are causing their allergic reactions. Each list generated is personalized for the patient. The list is not exhaustive, but is an excellent starting point for patients to find products that will relieve their allergic reactions.
The products included have been uploaded by CAMP administrators using publicly available information or voluntarily provided by personal care product companies who are committed patient safety.
Use of this information is governed by terms and conditions and limitations of liability pertaining to this site.
ACDS members, please follow a CAMP link from www.contactderm.org in order to access the physician functionality.